Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Almost the end of the 1st Year as a Stanford MBA...

I just stumbled across this blog while perusing the internet as I sit in the Schwab Residential Center (the main residence hall for 1st year MBA's). Unfortunately, I have done pretty much zero blogging since I made the decision to attend the GSB. I wish I had recorded it, however, as it has been one of the most amazing few months of my life!

Some highlights:

-Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability- traveling to Ethiopia, interviewing rural farmers and creating a product for the poor
-Meeting inspirational Classmates
-IM Sports
-Talk '08 and Talk '09
-Entrepreneurship Club
-Intimate Interaction With Faculty
-Alumni Interaction
-Study Trip to China and Study Trip to India
-Planning to Lead a study Trip next year to India
-Great Mentors (Patell, Klaus, Saloner)
-Trip to Napa
-Being in the Heart of Silicon Valley
-Hearing Prof. Grousebeck Speak
-and so much more!

I am really going to try and write EVERY day beginning now to continue to document and remember my days at the GSB, my upcoming summer in South Africa, and the beginning of the 2nd year.

Please feel free to contact me any time to discuss the GSB, entrepreneurship, ideas or anything else!



iandoh said...
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Anonymous said...

EM - i'd love to connect with you. i'm in love with the stanford program and interested in pursuing sustainability. i saw you were in the innovative design class and that just seems like such an awesome class. how can i get in contact with you? my email is provo03 at gmail dot com. i'm visiting campus next month as well and very much looking forward to it!